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It helps you take control of your nutritional status:
Excellent fatty acid combination
Provide protein, vitamin D and calcium
Contain more than 20 vitamins and minerals
Contain prebiotic fibre
Low in lactose and gluten free
Suitable for patients with
Usage instruction
Recommended dosage
*3 level scoops
500g in can
Fresubin® Powder
Just 1 bottle (200 ml) provides the minimum effective dose of energy and high in protein to improve patient’s outcome. It is especially suitable for people with or at risk of malnutrition, in particular for those with increased energy and protein needs or fluid restriction. It can be used as daily nutrition supplement or meal replacement.
Suitable for patients with
Recommended dosage
Apricot-Peach, Vanilla, Fruits of the forest
200ml in EasyBottle for all flavors and 125ml for Vanilla
Fresubin® 2 kcal DRINK
Just 1 bottle (200 ml) provides the minimum effective dose of energy and high in protein to improve patient’s outcome. It is especially suitable for people with or at risk of malnutrition, in particular for those with increased energy and protein needs or fluid restriction. It can be used as daily nutrition supplement or meal replacement.
Suitable for patients with
Recommended dosage
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® 2 kcal Fibre DRINK
One bottle for high nutritional needs of older adults in case/risk of malnutrition, especially suitable for the elderly with sarcopenia, frailty or age-related musculoskeletal deficits.
480kcal Energy*
• 480kcal/bottle to provide the minimum effective dose and improve compliance to recommended intake of energy in one bottle1,2
28.8g High Quality Milk Protein*
• 28.8g protein/bottle to meet increased protein needs in a low volume
• 25 – 30g of protein is the effective dose to maximally stimulate and sustain muscle protein synthesis in malnourished patients with increased needs3
• 2.8g leucine/bottle: 2.5 – 3g leucine is recommended per meal to maximally stimulate and sustain Muscle Protein Synthesis in malnourished sarcopenic persons3
10μg Vitamin D*
• 15-20μg per day is recommended for adults of 65 years or over** 4,5
• In combination with the high protein and high calcium content it is especially suitable for frail patients6
700mg Calcium*
• 750 – 900mg per day is recommended for adults of 65 years or over7
200ml EasyBottle*
• High nutrient density in a lower volume may help improve compliance
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® PRO DRINK
It is tailor made for people who need extra nutrition. It provides nutrition of what your body needs, including carbohydrate, protein, fat and various vitamins and minerals. Suitable for supplementary or complete nutrition.
Suitable for patients with
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® Energy DRINK
It is tailor made for people who need extra nutrition. It provides nutrition of what your body needs, including carbohydrate, protein, fat and various vitamins and minerals.
Suitable for patients with
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® Energy Fibre DRINK
Suitable for supplementary or complete nutrition.
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® Original DRINK
Fresubin® Jucy DRINK provides body nutrients which include carbohydrate, protein, and various vitamins and minerals but without fat. Fresubin® Jucy DRINK as a supplement and not for complete nutrition. It can be used for daily nutrition supplement, as alternative of milky oral nutritional supplements.
Suitable for patients with
Apple, Orange
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® Jucy DRINK
Drink it in the period from diagnosis to after therapy. It can counteract loss of muscle and weight, support immune function and increase nutrition intake along the way of treatment!
Supportan® is nutritional supplement specially designed for cancer patients. Compared to other cancer nutrition products, Supportan® has unique formulae with low carbohydrate, high energy, high protein* with fish oil and matches with ESPEN recommendations.
ESPEN guideline recommendations1
Medium chain triglyceride (MCT): Can be absorbed by the body easily and convert into energy2,7
Prebiotic fibre: Water soluble fibre can soften faeces and promote intestinal health2,5
Clinically free from lactose: Prevent diarrhea because of lactose intolerance
Research study
Recommend dosage:
Supportan® DRINK is ready to use. Enjoy Supportan® DRINK chilled for the best taste.
A good nutritional status supports the success of medical treatment!
Cappuccino, Pineapple-Coconut, Tropical Fruits
200ml in EasyBottle
Supportan® DRINK
It is nutritionally complete with low glycemic index. It has “cardio-healthy” fat blend and unique green tea extract. This product may assist in stabilizing blood sugar.* Suit for supplementary or complete nutrition.
Low glycaemic index (GI)
Good and specific fat composition
High amounts of high quality protein
Unique green tea extract
inflammation and improve immunity2,3
With fibre
Recommended dosage
*Each serving contains 3 level enclosed scoop
Usage instruction
For 1.0 kcal/ml preparation (200ml):
1. Pour 160ml cool water into a container
2. Add 3 level scoops of powder (46g)
3. Stir well until dissolved completely
For 0.76 kcal/ml preparation (170ml):
1. Pour 160ml cool water into a container
2. Add 2 level scoops of powder (31g)
3. Stir well until dissolved completely
500g in can
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
1. Fukino Y et al. Randomized controlled trial for an effect of green tea-extract powder supplementation on glucose abnormalities. Eur J Clin Nutr.2008;62(8):953-60
2. Fu Q-Y, Li Q-S, Lin X-M, et al. Antidiabetic effects of tea. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 2017;22(5):849.
3. Asbaghi O, Fouladvand F, Gonzalez MF et al. The effect of green tea on C-reactive protein and biomarkers of oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med. 2019;46:210-216.
Diben® Powder
It is nutritionally complete with low glycemic index and “cardio-healthy” fat blend. This product may assist in stabilizing blood sugar.* Suit for supplementary or complete nutrition.
Low GI index
Good and specific fat composition
Balanced dietary fibre mix
Low in sodium
Research study*
1. Study tested 40 Type II diabetics on oral diabetic medication in need of nutritional support2
2. Continuously to use Diben® DRINK for 6 weeks, iAUC0-240 is reduced by 45% compared with standard nutritional drink
(iAUC0-240 = Incremental Area Under Curve during 0-240 minutes)
Continuously to use Diben® DRINK for 12 weeks, HbA1c is reduced from 7.3 to 6.12
Recommended dosage
Cappuccino, Vanilla
200ml in EasyBottle
Diben® DRINK
It is suitable for pre-dialysis patients with chronic kidney disease or non-catabolic forms of acute kidney injury.
Recommended dosage
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® Renal Drink
Easily absorbed hydrolysed whey protein
Suitable for patients with
Recommend dosage:
200ml in EasyBottle
Survimed® OPD DRINK
It is a nutritional supplement specially designed for hepatic patients.
It meets ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism) guideline recommendations1.
Branched chain amino acids
Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT)
Adapted in micronutrient and mineral content
Prebiotic fibre
Suitable for patients with
Recommend dosage
200ml in EasyBottle
Fresubin® Hepa DRINK
Instant food thickener with modified maize starch for the dietary management of patients with dysphagia.
Indication: Starch based instant food and beverage thickener for swallowing difficulty
How to use
225g in can
Unlike ordinary protein powder, it contains 100% whey protein. It is easy for absorption and utilization. It can be used to reach the individual protein needs by adding into food and beverages.
High quality protein
Flexible usage with good solubility
Colorless and Neutral taste
Fibre free, gluten free and clinically free from lactose
Suitable for patients with increased protein needs
Recommend dosage
To be determined by a health care professional according to patients’ needs. * Recommended for supplementary nutrition 2-2.5 scoops (12-15 g), 2-3 times (24-45 g) per day.
Normal adult needs about 0.8g per kg of body weight daily
For example: A person with 65kg would need 48g of protein daily
Usage instruction
Use in liquids or foods <70°C: stir 2-2,5 scoops (12–15 g) into 150ml liquid or 150g food. Use in preparations >70°C, but not cooking: Dissolve 2-2,5g scoops (12–15 g) in a small amount of liquid (25–50 ml) at room temperature. Add this mixture to 150ml of the hot liquid or 150g food directly before serving (max. 10 minutes before serving). Do not boil while or after adding the powder.
Caution: Do not cook protein powder or add it into boiling food or drink
300g in can
Fresubin® Protein POWDER
Glutamine (one of the amino acid) powder supplement and antioxidative vitamins to enhance food or drink. Offered in single dose sachets for convenient handling.
Research study shows Glutamine Plus shortens the time for wound healing in trauma patients1
Suitable for patients with
Recommend dosage:
According to clinical condition/ nutritional needs, a daily dosage of 2-3 sachets is recommended
Usage instruction:
Add 1 sachet of Glutamine Plus into 200ml of water. Mix it. Stir again after 1 minute. Can also add directly into drink or food. Use within 24 hours.
22.4g x 30 sachets
Glutamine Plus
Compared with general opened system, closed system can ensure the nutrients can be delivered to stomach in sealed condition and minimize chance of infections.
Suitable for patients with or at risk of malnutrition
1000ml in Easybag
Fresubin® Original Fibre 1000ml
Compared with general opened system, closed system can ensure the nutrients can be delivered to stomach in sealed condition and minimize chance of infections.
1000ml in Easybag
Fresubin® Energy Fibre 1000ml
Please contact us for product detail.
Amika@ Enteral Feeding Pump
Please contact us for product detail.
Amika@ Enteral Feeding Pump Set
A gum based thickener designed to support an effective texture modification of food and drink and can facilitate swallowing for patients with dysphagia. Regular fluid intake can help to ensure patients remain sufficiently hydrated.
Indication: Gum based instant food and beverage thickener for swallowing difficulty
How to use
Add the recommended* amount of level scoop(s) of powder into a dry, empty glass. Add 200ml of desired liquid, stir briskly with a whisk of fork until dissolved. Stand for 2 minutes.
*Quantities are a guideline only, actual amounts should be advise by a Speech and language Therapist or Healthcare Professional.
126g in can